Shannon Goff is a Detroit, Michigan native and artist whose work, currently on-display at the Susan Hilberry Gallery until November 14th includes an astonishingly detailed recreation of a Motor City icon: a Collector’s Series 1979 Lincoln Continental Mk. V sculpted entirely of cardboard.
Website Designboom reports that the full-scale Lincoln Continental replica was created out of a place of “personal preoccupation.” Her grandfather purchased a car of the very same make and model when she was just 5 years old, and she remembers it fondly, saying that “the Mark V’s smooth ride conjured up the sensation of floating on a cloud.”
Ms. Goff’s Lincoln Continental piece is titled “Miles to Empty,” and is fully detailed both inside and out with hand-folded cardboard components like the two-spoke steering wheel, gear-selector stalk, instrument panel, etc. To see it outside of any context, one might imagine that they’d awoken within some sort of bleached parallel universe where everything is shining white.
Check out the gallery below, photos courtesy of Ms. Shannon Goff, to explore this stunningly faithful recreation of the 1979 Lincoln Continental Mk. V for yourself.
I believe that the ploepe on both sides of this issue have the best interests of the children and the town at heart. A majority of the voters in town would like to see us use the generous $21 million in MSBA funding to improve the condition of our school. Hopefully, passing this proposal in the election will give our town the opportunity to address the concerns of those who did not vote for it, and incorporate their ideas to produce an even better proposal.