Ford Authority

Ford Sides With NFL Players’s Protests

Ford Motor Company on Monday declared its support for those professional NFL players who have chosen to protest during the national anthem by not standing, despite many NFL fans’ calls to put an end to the practice. The means of protest was started last year by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who said that he would not stand “to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.” In the time since, many more players in the NFL and other major American sports leagues have chosen to show solidarity by kneeling during the national anthem.

Ford on Monday said that the company “respect[s] individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones [they] share,” saying that individuals’ right to free speech is “part of what makes America great.” Ford last year entered into a three-year sponsorship agreement with the NFL, making the F-Series the Official Truck of the sports league.

While neither acknowledging nor rejecting the stated cause for the protests, Ford’s statement is probably about as supportive of the players as it can be without seriously irking a sizable portion of its customer base. Opponents of the players’ actions see the kneeling as open contempt for the United States, its flag, and by extension, its military; proponents maintain that it’s nothing to do with the armed forces, and everything to do with systemic racism, the high rate of police violence against Blacks, and the continuing miscarriage of justice.

In addition to Ford Motor Company being a major sponsor, the Ford family has also owned the Detroit Lions NFL team for some decades; Martha Firestone Ford, Detroit Lions Owner and Chairwoman, issued her own statement a day prior, taking umbrage with US President Donald Trump’s disapproving comments toward protests in the National Football League.

“Our game has long provided a powerful platform for dialogue and positive change in many communities throughout our nation,” the statement read. “Negative and disrespectful comments suggesting otherwise are contrary to the founding principles of our country, and we do not support those comments or opinions.”

(Source: CNN Money)

Aaron Brzozowski is a writer and motoring enthusiast from Detroit with an affinity for '80s German steel. He is not active on the Twitter these days, but you may send him a courier pigeon.

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  1. Anthony

    When it comes to professional sports, Ford should really focus on their flop of a racing program. They stink in NASCAR have pulled out of NHRA and are too chicken to go into Indy car.

    1. Jon Jey

      the whole world could care less about redneck racing, making a left all day long calling it racing…

      1. Robert H. Webber

        NASCAR respects the flag unlike some of the over payed ingrates that populate the NFL.

        1. Mr None

          Ford promotes civic rights, NASCAR promotes inbreeding amongst rednecks. Each has their own shtick.

          1. Bobby

            ford also backs nascar

          2. Robert H. Webber

            You just promote stereotyping right? Would FORD act the same way way if employees protested at their plants during work hours?

            1. Reply
              1. Tommy

                Remember this, there’s always room for improvement and change for the better!

              2. Peter Catalani

                It depends on what you’re protesting how you’re going about it and oh yeah that was 80 years ago and everything is different but not in your eyes oh that’s right.

            2. Robert Comer

              yes because they are now run by a liberal CEO, and he is Obamas Girlfriend!

          3. Proud Redneck

            The fact that you would make such a stupid remark shows your ignorance.

        2. ruko

          We, The United States of America, are strong enough to just merely dismiss a few boobs who don’t want to stand for our national anthem. I say: “Don’t pay any attention to them!” Don’t give them any recognition which is what they are looking for.

          1. Quinton Staley

            Will then ignore them then. Nobody saying pay attention. Just doit

        3. Richard Geer

          There’s a reason ‘bearing false witness’ is right there in the 10 Commandments next to murder, theft and adultery. That is what you are doing. “Ingrates” to describe people who sacrifice their careers to make sure that ‘liberty and justice for all’ is a reality, not a meaningless slogan, reminds me of “Faith without works is dead.”

          Jefferson said, that if the people don’t inform themselves, democracy cannot survive. The overwhelming majority of African-Americans, according to multiple surveys, do NOT trust cops to do the right thing. Are you prepared to call 20 million people liars without getting off your self-absorbed fanny to do your patriotic homework so that “liberty and justice for all” is a living reality for generations to come?

          They are. And your “sacrifice” to inform yourself, would be far, far less than that of these players.

          It takes character to recognize character. “When a pickpocket sees a saint, all he sees are his pockets.”

          There is NO disrespect there–except in you. “We don’t see things are they are. We see things as WE are.”

          “Get the log out of your own eye,” as Jesus said. Fake Christians and fake patriots who slander the real patriots who actually sacrifice something–particularly the respect of shallow minds and hearts.

        4. Richard Geer

          You DO know that it was a Green Beret vet who told Kaepernick that kneeling, not sitting, was the respectful way to protest? He even stood next to him, hand on heart, to show solidarity.

          There’s a reason ‘bearing false witness’ is right there in the 10 Commandments next to murder, theft and adultery. That is what you are doing. “Ingrates” to describe people who sacrifice their careers to make sure that ‘liberty and justice for all’ is a reality, not a meaningless slogan, reminds me of “Faith without works is dead.”

          Jefferson said, that if the people don’t inform themselves, democracy cannot survive. The overwhelming majority of African-Americans, according to multiple surveys, do NOT trust cops to do the right thing. Are you prepared to call 20 million people liars without getting off your self-absorbed fanny to do your patriotic homework so that “liberty and justice for all” is a living reality for generations to come?

          They are. And your “sacrifice” to inform yourself, would be far, far less than that of these players.

          It takes character to recognize character. “When a pickpocket sees a saint, all he sees are his pockets.”

          There is NO disrespect there–except in you. “We don’t see things are they are. We see things as WE are.”

          “Get the log out of your own eye,” as Jesus said. Fake Christians and fake patriots who slander the real patriots who actually sacrifice something–particularly the respect of shallow minds and hearts.

          “O say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave
          o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”

          A question always worth asking. If we can’t risk our reputations and safety for American values, what kind of patriots are we?

        5. Richard Geer

          You DO know that it was a Green Beret vet who told Kaepernick that kneeling, not sitting, was the respectful way to protest? He even stood next to him, hand on heart, to show solidarity.

          There’s a reason ‘bearing false witness’ is right there in the 10 Commandments next to murder, theft and adultery. That is what you are doing. “Ingrates” to describe people who sacrifice their careers to make sure that ‘liberty and justice for all’ is a reality, not a meaningless slogan?

          “Faith without works is dead.”

          Jefferson said, that if the people don’t inform themselves, democracy cannot survive. The overwhelming majority of African-Americans, according to multiple surveys, do NOT trust cops to do the right thing. Are you prepared to call 20 million people liars without getting off your self-absorbed fanny to do your patriotic homework so that “liberty and justice for all” is a living reality for generations to come?

          They are. And your “sacrifice” to inform yourself, would be far, far less than that of these players.

          It takes character to recognize character. “When a pickpocket sees a saint, all he sees are his pockets.”

          There is NO disrespect there–except in you. “We don’t see things are they are. We see things as WE are.”

          “Get the log out of your own eye,” as Jesus said. Fake Christians and fake patriots who slander the real patriots who actually sacrifice something–particularly the respect of shallow minds and hearts.

          “O say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave
          o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”

          A question always worth asking. If we can’t risk our reputations and safety for American values, what kind of patriots are we?

      2. Johnctee

        Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. Now go back to your ballet lessons.

    2. Seth Hendley

      Hey there Anthony you’re the chicken but-hole

  2. David

    Don’t forget that the NFL Detroit Lions are owned by a member of the Ford Family. It has only been 60 years since their last championship.

    1. Ronnii

      Expedition: 2
      Taurus SHO:1
      Mazda Under Ford:5
      17 ford products over 26 years of driving. Plans to buy another Ford……. ZERO.

      My family has fought, bled died and killed for this nations since the civil war in the name of the USA and what its ideals are. ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. If you don’t stand for the FLAG and ANTHEM you’re RACIST and believe in selective justice, mob rule, and an elite class.

      I’d due for three new fords this year. Now it’s anything but Ford.

      By By Ford

      1. John McGee

        What you said!

      2. Tommy G


        As multiple generations of vets We totally agree.
        And we support the Sheriff’s who are boycotting.

        We’ve bought E-150s, F-150s, Expeditions, Taurus, Fusions, Lincolns, etc.
        We kept buying American Fords; but now it’s the anti-American brand.

        The protesters are disrespecting both military Vets & America.
        As far as us Vets and buy U.S. guys are concerned; wrong move!

        These divas aren’t in the right and don’t even have their facts straight.
        Do they have the right? It’s debatable state-by-state by the law.
        They operate under highly paid contracts and have duties to serve.
        We’re familiar with the concept of duty and took more risk for far less.

        Ford, stay out of politics or at least get it right as an American brand.
        As for now, unless there is a serious public correction — goodbye Ford.
        No more pickup trucks, vans or cars. There is plenty of competition…

        We haven’t watched a single NFL game since the protests heated up.
        Anything but Ford, and Saturday is now football day around here.

        1. AJ

          You do realize that it is a veteran that told Karpernick to kneel right? It was explained that vets kneel to show respect and that is how the whole thing started taking off…. Nate Boyer reached out to help Colin Kaepernick show respect to the flag and vets while still having his right to peacefully protest. A right that all veterans have fought for. Or have you forgotten that too?

          1. Robert H. Webber

            So if a veteran told you to jump off a bridge would you? I am a veteran and I would have told him to protest all he wants on his dime not mine. in the military we are told not to protest in uniform because we are not allowed to speak for them. why does he get to do any different?

            1. Michelona

              Isn’t “war” itself a violent protest… in uniform?

              1. Paul Christensen

                Boy that is a stretch.

          2. Jondbenet

            You don’t protest some respect for a flag by kneeling for it.

      3. Jim W

        Exactly what you said. Couldn’t say it better.

      4. Treeman

        You are a true American Patriot. I salute you!

      5. Richard Geer

        They didn’t fight, bleed and die so we all could be fascists expecting everyone to express their patriotism in the same way. They fought for freedom of expression.

        And anyone who thinks a man kneeling, hand on heart, head bowed, is disrespectful to the flag–needs to look in the mirror to find that disrespect. That’s why Jesus said, “Get the log out of your own eye.”

        “I may not agree with what you say,
        but I will defend to the death, your right to say it.”

      6. Gordon Gekko

        Wow, that’s quite a mouthful Ronnii.

        Not only does this rambling bit of ignorance make no sense, but it contadicts itself.

        Let’s examine, shall we?

        “ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL” Well yes they are. Actually it starts off very logical and intelligently correct.

        But then……

        “….If you don’t stand for the FLAG and ANTHEM you’re RACIST….”

        Well, not we’ve truly gone down the toilet. There is absolutely no logical connection between not standing up for the anthem, for any reason, and being a racist. The two concepts don’t even exist in the same universe, except for Ronnii’s own little Bizarro world.

        I think she just thru “….believe in selective justice, mob rule, and an elite class…..” in there because it was some random thought bouncing around in her almost empty skull.
        Again, concepts that have absolutely nothing to do with not standing up when the National Anthem is played.

        A Trump supporter I will hazard to guess.

        1. Michale

          Let’s examine your little idiot rant shall we!
          No one is calling the NFL actions raciest!
          They are abusing their relationship as employees (by doing what they want to) and as performers (acting contrary to the purpose of why the fans pay to see them play) and towards the nation (putting their agenda first). No one is telling them not to protest on their time and dime! Trump even red to address their issue and concerns off the field! This is nothing more than the left wing insanity of over paid rich spoiled children in adult bodies acting poorly and like the one dimensional idiots they are! Including you!

          1. Tropheywife

            Rich spoiled over paid all those words are completely insane in my book. Go out on that field and get some of what they work so hard to do all their lives! Possibly ending their lives with brain damage! A lot of them adult kids grew up dirt poor! Single parent homes and so much more you may or may not be able to fathom! This protest is not I repeat is not about disrespect! It’s about respect dignity equality! If you don’t use your platform that’s on you. Go to work entertaining the world love by all when performance is done exit the back door! The same one because of your color you had to come in!! That’s ? in every level why would you respect a president that refused to go to war for you!

            1. Jim

              This is NOT about the President. This IS about respecting the country, it’s ideals and it’s system which gave them this opportunity to do well. The President happens to believe the same and has publicly stated that but this must be why the Snowflakes are out in force. They hate anything he says whether it is right or wrong. Looked at the Black employment figures lately?

              This was started by a person who happens to be black and dislikes all police and has publicly demonstrated such in words, money and actions. By the way was the last President will to go to war and did you talk about that. The last president forced many career military out and I feel safe in saying he disliked or was uncomfortable with anything to do with the military. The VA Administration was a joke but has gotten better under this president from what I have seen first hand. If his policies where allowed to be implemented like the ability to fire government workers whose policies and neglect have caused the death of many vets. Also, his desire to allow vets to see doctors outside of the VA under more lenient conditions would be much better for us but the “swamp” does not want to lose control and power.

            2. Florida101

              “Rich spoiled over paid all those words are completely insane in my book” “Go out on that field and get some of what they work so hard to do all their lives!” They should be making $50K a year not our first responders… Firefighters and Police Officers.. Go out in their field and get some of what they worked so hard for… Whens the last time a NFL player died on the field??? Now google the last time a fireman of policeman was killed in the line of duty. So don’t dare say the deserve what they get because they don’t PERIOD. “Possibly ending their lives with brain damage!” Are you kidding me?? What about possibly getting shot or possibly burning trying to save a life not trying to play a game. Wake up! This is the real world.

      7. mel murray

        Not even one with a nice NIKE interior package?

      8. Paul Christensen

        We recently bought a new car and the car that we liked the most for the ride was the Lincoln but when we heard about Ford & Co. we decided to buy another car. We love our Honda. Best car I have every owned. Honda Accord, sport.
        No GM for us either. Government Motors what joke their cars have become. Worst ride of the bunch.

        1. Ford

          I think the Lincoln and Ford toy didn’t buy was too expensive. That’s why you went with a Honda accord and a dodge truck. Let’s all check Ford’s numbers and see if they lost business. Also, if you don’t like Ford, then check into everything else they own and make sure you don’t buy that either! Ford is American! That’s how they roll

          1. Paul Christensen

            I told you why I did not purchase a Ford and the reason you listed was not one of them. And now you think you can tell me my thinking processes and my purchasing processes.
            BTW I did check where my Honda was made and it was made in the state of Georgia.
            BTW they lost my business for the reason I stated. It was a close call but when push came to shove I did what I did based on what I liked.
            You are correct on whom I support and it is based somewhat on what they do. I am careful where I spend my money. Things are not always as they appear.

          2. Paul Christensen

            You say they are American all the way. So do tell me why they moved much of their automobile manufacturing to Mexico? Something seems amiss here.

        2. Fireyawdman

          Very patriotic to boycott American made products for foreign goods, not hypocritical at all???…

          1. Paul Christensen

            So which is the most critical here? Manufacturing or assembly. My vote would go to manufacturing but buy your assembled auto while manufactured elsewhere and continue to think you have an American product.
            But thinking seems to be one of the liberals faux paux. Like I said made in America and assembled in Georgia. But somehow that is unAmerican?

            1. Fireyawdman

              Whatever you do to justify your hypocrisy is fine with me… A true patriot honors the constitution, hence even in disagreement one should respect freedom of speech… BTW I didn’t know that asking for fair treatment was such a sinister and egregious act.

              1. Paul Christensen

                So you said it yourself that everyone that does not agree with you is a hypocrite. I am a Constitutional conservative and not one of the progressives that want to twist the Constitution to meet their ends.
                You can purchase, read, believe, post what ever you want but because someone does agree with you they are trampling of the First Amendment. Sounds to me like you are the one who is having problems with free speech.

      9. April

        You are aware that a green beret veteran suggested to Kapernick kneeling as opposed to sitting because it shows respect to the veterans who have died for this country?
        Are you aware that you took an oath to defend the constitution from.enemies foreign and domestic when you signed your life away to the military? I know those where the words I repeated when I joined the army.
        I gave up time in my life to protect a mans right to kneel. What in the hell where you fighting for if it wasn’t the constitution?
        I guess you don’t see the beauty in living in a country where people have this choice.
        I would suggest N.Korea as a country better suited for you.
        You can not call yourself a patriot while at the same time saying someone shouldn’t have this right. You’re considered an enemy of the constitution actually. Frankly you not believing in the first amendment right means that people died in vain for a cause some of you don’t even believe in. Shame on you and your fake patriotism.
        From a real veteran and patriot.

        1. Paul Christensen

          Where on earth did you get your slant to deride me with such and asinine comment. You really do need to get your thinking cap on straight.

        2. Peter Catalani

          APRIL… thank you for putting that down the way should have been put down hours days weeks and years ago. If you don’t mind I’m going to try and copy it and share it on Facebook because the idiots are coming out of the woodwork. Thank you for your service take care of yourself

        3. Paul Christensen

          They do have their right to protest and I have the right to not agree with their protest. Your First Amendment right only works one way. I chose not support them, my right. Choices have consequences.
          And all that CK did was cry poor me because of the backlash.

        4. Johnctee

          guess you aren’t as patriotic as you would like people to think. You STAND for the flag and THAT’S ALL THERE IS TO IT! Do you need someone to read this to you? You seem rather stupid!

      10. Negan

        Are you going to post video of you burning your fords???

      11. Sheila

        I totally agree with you, and will be looking for a contact number to verbally express my horror at their stance. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and Thank your family for their service.

      12. Sheila

        LOL in full agreement. I was considering buying a Ford, but not now.

      13. Johnctee

        Your statement shows you haven’t got the foggiest idea what Racist means!

    2. Jim W

      Ford’s arrogance is astounding, their sales aren’t so great and they want to thumb their nose at a whole market share that would buy their car. Those of us that have served value American products but I won’t buy a product that treats this country, and the symbols that define our country, with such disrespect. No more Fords!!

  3. Robert Flynn

    You just helped me make a decision on buyin/leasing a new car or truck in February….It will be anything but a Ford product! Thank you so much…………I have bought Ford products for many years……That has just come to an end! Too bad! Enough said!

  4. David Butler

    Thank you Ford for your support of the free speech of those who want to bring a social injustice to the light. It has been said over and over again that those kneeling during the National Anthem are not doing it to show disrespect. In fact it’s just the opposite. When Black Americans or any Americans are unjustly shot and killed by the institutions sworn to protect them, and nothing is done about it, it becomes a contradiction of the National Anthem (the land of the free and home of the brace).
    I am contemplating replacing my BMW X 5 with something more sporty. We looking at a BMW X5M. Cadillac V series or Ford Mustang GT 350. Your support for our freedom of speech just greatly influenced my decision towards buying a Ford. Dave B.

    Thank you.

    1. Johnctee

      Anyone that thinks it’s the proper time to protest during the National Anthem is an idiot. So basically idiots buy Fords.

      1. Jim

        I agree and as a veteran I will not be buying a new Lincoln as planned when the 2018s come out in a few months. This is disgraceful and I can’t understand why Ford would alienate so many customers.

        1. Jim

          In addition after thinking about it all night, this morning I will be selling by stock in Ford which I’ve held for the last few years. It is a sizeable position but and I have enjoyed the dividends but I’m through with ford in all ways. Also I will write a letter to my dealer telling him of my anger. I saw him about a month ago asking about a new Lincoln so he already knows that I was interested. No more.

          1. Gordon Gekko

            Drop me a line, I’ll be glad to pick it up from you

      2. George Corwin

        I totally agree and will never again buy any Ford Product. Not to mention, I will now sell my beloved Ford van since too embarrassed to drive it!

    2. Ringo Lapua

      to D. Butler – Blacks have never had it so good in the USA. it is the job of the police to uphold the law and stop lawbreakers regardless of whether they are black, white, yellow or red. The reason a higher percentage of blacks are being shot by police is because in 98% of the cases the suspected black lawbreaker became violent and resisted arrest. Perhaps you should organize prayer sessions and peace sessions to encourage blacks to be more law abiding and not encourage police to shoot them. Most of the blacks killed or wounded by police deserved to be shot.

      1. David Butler

        Spoken like a true racist which is the real reason the American flag, National Anthem are being used to mask the real issue.

        1. George

          Do you know other words besides “RACIST”? Typical Democrat mentality!

      2. Jaison

        Get your ass back across the border!

      3. Treeman

        Well stated, Ringo, and I totally agree! No Ford’s for me, never again!

      4. Gordon Gekko

        “…. Most of the blacks killed or wounded by police deserved to be shot…..”

        Hey Ringo, tell that to the family of a 15yr old boy in Chicago who was shot 16 times in the back, 15 of the rounds were fired into his body by a Chicago cop, after the first shot, also in the back, dropped him. He was unarmed, non-combative, and simply running away because he was scared.
        In no logical universe did that teenager deserve to be murdered in a blind rage by a police officer.
        That’s just one very glaring example of ignorance such as yours that thinks all blacks are automatically guilty and deserve to be shot.
        What an asshat you are

        1. Paul Christensen

          Most of the black in Chicago are shot by other black people. It is black on black crime. Watched Laura Ingram tonight of Chicago town hall and even the blacks talk about the facts that they have problems from their own kind and Rahm Emanuel is not helping the problem but making it worse. And that is right who was Emanuel’s former boss?

    3. Ron

      They ONLY have the right to protest on THEIR TIME, NOT MINE. When at WORK, which they are, the company they work for can tell them what they can and will do WHILE AT WORK.. This is NOT a 1st Amendment exercise. I tuned in to watch a FOOTBALL GAME, NOT a POLITICAL CRAP STATEMENT.. Shame on the NFL and the team owners to allow this to continue! I am a Ford retiree and will NOT buy another product of theirs, ever again.. Shame on them for siding with a bunch of yahoos.. Ford disrespects me as a VETERAN, as an American and as a retiree.. BOYCOTT THE NFL ALONG WITH ALL SPONSORS OF THIS STUPIDITY..

      1. April

        Sure, when every company in the u.s. makes their employees stand for the national anthem every morning before work you will have a leg to stand on.
        That isn’t a valid argument.
        If that’s the case they need to take the national anthem out of sports games.

        1. Mike

          April apply your own standards equally! I’m not free to go to work with any employer I know and on their time when I am being paid to do a job and represent them go off and protest my personal views! I would be lucky with some to do it on my time! Therefore, neither should these idiot football players! You’re right, the NFL has the right to end the National Anthem. If they do the football will no longer be the National Sport it made itself out to be and they will lose more than they will likely gain.

    4. Rod Nichols

      You are a moron sir

      1. Ronald Wright

        Rod Nichols. That’s funny. Just goes to show your stupidity and ignorance. You obviously hate America like OdumbAss and his wife! Get a life ass-wipe. You are the real MORON..

    5. Treeman

      Democrat illogical nonsense, nothing more!

    6. TMAD

      Check ref. the bloodbath in Chicago, the area where I worked in law enforcement. That site explodes the racist myth of police slaughtering blacks, but CONFIRMS the FACT of blacks slaughtering blacks while blaming everybody but themselves. What is patriotic about Colon’s pig socks and anti-police statements? Ford Foundation donation to militant BLM is another reason to ford-get Ford.

  5. Danola

    I have owned 7 fords over the past 30 years. No More!
    The owners care more about their investments than about their country, customers, or it’s fellow citizens.

    1. Vbondjr

      Actually, they are showing that they are one of the few companies to show they do care about the people of this country. But not just the white ones. Thanks for showing how much you don’t care about the people of this country except for the white ones.

      1. Travis

        No, by supporting the kneelers Ford is supporting the fact this country does not provide all people with a chance. Unfortunately, the NFL will change its stance and so will Ford once the money goes south. Sad, but true.

      2. Ronnii

        Being in a law enforcement family and when we’re compared to pigs being fried like bacon I take acceptation to that. That’s the stance of the hemorrhoid Kappernick that started all of this . 99.9% of cops day in and day out it’s for serving a community for what’s right and wrong and what the community set for standards. One you get busted for drugs….. You did something wrong you idiot. Who cares if you’re poor or rich, white or black. There has to be societal standards. When yo look at these people that complain they usually have a rap sheet 10ft long.
        Europe and their culture created slavery in America. My family helped fight to end it. And these SOB’s kneel to remember the sacrifices made by my family for their existence in this only great nation on earth today. There isn’t a nation as accepting or diverse as the US and I’ve been all over the world.

        1. Gordon Gekko

          Pssst…..Ronnii, American colonialists created slavery in this country, nobody else. No one in Europe called up America and suggested that they hop in their boats and go to Africa to kidnap blacks and bring them back as slaves.
          For someone who is a member of a law enforcement family (or so your say) you are one very ignorant person. I hope the members of your family that are actually active serving LEO’s arent as ignorant and bigoted as you are, because if they are they are the very reason that NFL players are kneeling to protest such racism

          1. Marko

            Psst…..Gordon, slavery existed long before America was discovered so the jokes on you for trying to sound intelligent. All the colonist did was bring it with them. Fact of matter is it was African tribes that sold slaves to Europeans. Regardless of your lack of knowledge on slavery I’ve seen you post a few things in regards to the protest and I would like to offer my thoughts. You do realize that the tenets of standing for the flag are to show that while we don’t all believe the same thing we can ALL stand in unity out of respect to our flag. Kneeling at the playing of our national does exactly the opposite of what it stands for. Our country is more split now than I can ever remember. The second thing I would like to note is that thousands of patriots have paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect our constitution. When those patriots get burried they drape the flag over the coffin of that soldier. And if not for any other reason we should STAND in unity & respect for our country and the national anthem that is played when the flag is presented.

          2. Marko

            Psst…..Gordon, slavery existed long before America was discovered so the jokes on you for trying to sound intelligent. All the colonist did was bring it with them. Fact of matter is it was African tribes that sold slaves to Europeans. Regardless of your lack of knowledge on slavery I’ve seen you post a few things in regards to the protest and I would like to offer my thoughts. You do realize that the tenets of standing for the flag are to show that while we don’t all believe the same thing we can ALL stand in unity out of respect to our flag. Kneeling at the playing of our national anthem does exactly the opposite of what it stands for. Our country is more split now than I can ever remember. The second thing I would like to note is that thousands of patriots have paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect our constitution. When those patriots get burried they drape the flag over the coffin of that soldier. And if not for any other reason we should STAND in unity & respect for our country and the national anthem that is played when the flag is presented.

      3. Paul Christensen

        “to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.” A quote from the article. So just how are these millionaires oppressed? Many white people would love to be that oppressed. Many whites are in that same category and I do not see anyone protesting or taking a knee for them. CK should know better being raised by white grand parents.

        1. Gato

          I bought a Ford, once. It started falling apart at 22K miles. Then I had to deal with the crooked dealer. And now this? Never again.
          Re: NFL: Where is the racial balance? I thought that all things had to be racially even? I knew we were headed down the tubes when they passed “hate crime” legislation. One doesn’t murder someone because they love them. duh.

  6. David Butler

    It’s easier to twist kneeling during the National Anthem into something other than their real issue rather than address the real problem. It is unpatriotic to hide behind or use the National Anthem as a scapegoat. We’re better than that!

  7. Ellie

    I was just thinking of buying a new car and liked your small SUV. This just changed my mind.

  8. L Morris

    To paraphrase Julia Roberts in the movie Pretty Woman, “Big mistake, Ford. Big mistake.”

  9. Davo

    When President Trump took office he indicated that he was willing to revisit the CAFE and EPA standards and
    give the auto companies some breathing room. You might think the people at Ford would be appreciative of
    this; but instead, then CEO Fields shoots off his mouth about President Trump’s travel ban on some Muslim
    countries. Now, Ford has chosen to side with the NFL players against President Trump’s call for patriotism.
    It’s no secrect the Ford family’s foundation has long been a supporter of left-wing activities. Guess their hate
    for Trump and his followers is just too much to contain.
    This saddens me as I have been a loyal Ford buyer for three decades and currently own 3 Ford vehicles.
    Unless they change their stance on their support of anti-Americanism, I’m finished with Ford.

  10. Hardy Hartley

    Bravo Ford. Thankfully we live in a country where we can peacefully protest injustice. The flag is a symbol of what America can and should be. It is not there yet, but be glad we don’t live in a totalitarian society where we are forced to pretend everything is perfect.
    All of us are part of the solution, so let’s talk about what’s not right and truly come together.

  11. Nicholas Abbagliato

    Your support for the NFL is anti-American, atrocious and short sighted. I have two autos coming off lease at year end and I definitely won’t be looking at Ford for replacement. Disgusted

  12. Harold Teachman

    I have owned only fords for over fifty years. The main reason was It’s FORD and it’s AMERICAN. That has changed. Goodbye.

  13. Gail

    Thank you Ford. We are in the market to purchase another vehicle and yiu habe narrowed down our choices. We have been long time customers but will never buy a Ford product again. While it is the players right to express their opinions it certainly is my right to do the same. As long as we are protesting, how many law enforcement officers have been murdered in the line of duty? Murdered by people of ALL skin colors. Murdered by the very citizens they have sworn to protect. Citizens that no longer respect ANY form of authority. So we will no longer support companies that promote this cause as it is our right.

  14. Rico

    Still burns me that Ford has sold out Old Glory for the latest “protest” coming down the street. All the rage these days, “protesting.” Well, I’ll raise ya one “protest” Ford Motor. Never again will I purchase one of your products.

  15. Jayden

    It’s time to refresh/replace my 2013 Ford F-150. I did like the overpriced Ford Pickups. But now as long as we’re all on an Anti-American campaign …. the Toyota Tundra has risen to the top. Thank you Ford you’ve spared me my shopping, now I just have to decide which Color I want to go with.

  16. Paul Abbagliato

    I’ll never consider a Ford product because of your support of those prehensilic morons in the nfl.

  17. John Kelly

    I got 2 Ford trucks F350 and F150 as soon as I get home they will both be for sale and I will never buy another Ford product-You don’t ever dishonor our flag in my book It represents our highest values and a lot men and women’s lives to keep it flying

  18. TMAD

    Owned Fords exclusively since 1989. I’m retired law enforcement and drove mostly Fords at work. Have been looking at the Edge or Explorer to replace my 2007 Freestyle. Not impressed with the way GM and Chrysler have handled their recalls, so now will now be looking at the Subaru Outback. Let Ford sell their cars to the ingrate, illiterate, weapons offenders, drug and domestic abusers that they support.

  19. jglemser505

    I’m in the market for a new car, sorry to say it will not be a ford. I had fords for 30 years, never again.
    Let the NFL Buy them. I no longer watch football , which means no more weekend gatherings at my home. No beverages, snacks or food. No more playoff parties or Super Bowl party. The whole economy will take a hit. because of a few fools that won’t stand up for our flag and our country, and for those who fought and died to give them the right to play football for millions of dollars. If they can’t stand for me, I can’t sit for them. Thanks for Fords good service, over the years. Goodbye

  20. Radar721

    Earlier this year I bought my first Ford in many years due to the fact that Ford did not take the Obama “bail out”.
    Earlier this year I bought my LAST Ford ever due to Ford’s support of NFL protest of our flag and anthem. What an absolute shame.

  21. Ringo Lapua

    Thanks for letting me know that Ford supports anti-American disrespectful people. I will never buy another Ford until it reverses its opinion. The whole premise of kneeling and disrespecting the U.S. Flag is WRONG and based on Black Lives Matter hypocrisy. People like Michael Brown where shot by police because they were violent and gave the policeman no other option than to shoot them. I certainly hope Ford can survive by only selling cars and trucks to blacks.

  22. Joan

    I was looking forward to buying an Escape and my husband a Ford truck. We were going to do this because you did not take the Obama bailout. I will start looking at other vehicles now. I know that some of your employees don’t share your opinion and as my husband said: Why didn’t you just keep your opinion to yourself?

  23. Terri

    BAD move Ford! Been buying new Ford Trucks every 18 to 24 months and just got a F250Super Duty!
    This will be our last. The very flag the NFL is protesting is the very flag my grandsons father came home under recently! SHAME ON YOU for doing this!

  24. Johnny D

    It saddens me to see any group disrespect our country, the one that provides them the forum for their cause. Black Lives Matter disrespect the rest of the country by implying that Whites, Asians and Hispanics don’t matter (it could have been very effectively All Lives Matter). Now, again, a few stupid sports Devas feel like they are making a difference by angering millions of their fan base by choosing to disrespect the very symbol of the country that provides them the forum to protest. What is next, burning American flags on the sidelines? How about spitting on the police providing protection at the games because of perceived injustice? What is next? Is the protest REALLY making a difference when the dialog is focused on disrespecting America instead of what the protesters want it to be? No. This protest is ill conceived and what saddens me are the leaders at FORD, that cannot understand the difference between a meaningful statement and alienating their buyers. Like most of the comments, I will not be buying Ford any more. Freedom means that I can vote with my hard earned money. I would like to see those executives at FORD who supported this decision pay the reduced Revenue from their own bonus…. hit them where it hurts, their personal bank accounts.

    1. jglemser505

      johnny D email me jglemser505@comcast seattleseahawks burning are Flag

  25. Richard Gillette

    Good Night…why can’t we enjoy something without politics and disagreements?! When I go to a football game or a movie I am not interested in politics or what a football player or actor or actress believes. I am at the game or movie to get lost for a period of time and nothing more. I do believe I am in the majority here. Some football players, some actors, some actresses have been reading their own press so long that they believe that what they believe overshadows what the rest of us believe. As a sponsor of the NFL Ford must feel like they need to take a stand…so be it. I for one ( and my family will not be attending anymore NFL games, movies and we won’t be buying anymore Fords. But that’s OK because you can all feel good about taking a stand and telling me how to live my life. By the way this is all about disrespecting the flag and any denial about that is just that denial (of the truth). Go back and listen to the sanctimonious, pompous quotes. If I ever expressed myself (in my role at work) like some of the football players or actors and actresses I would have been fired on the spot. Unfortunately we have made these people rich and no one has held them accountable. It’s time to hold them to the same standards as everyone else. So long Ford.

  26. Jim

    Richard excellent comment and exactly the way I feel. Good by FORD, Good by NFL unless you come to your senses.

  27. Randall l Ross

    I Have Been a fan of Ford Since My 1964 Ford Galaxie and i still have a 1970 Ford Torino Super cobra jet i have owned lots of fords over the years . because of your position on the NFL desecrating the flag And the national anthem I will not buy another Ford and possibly sell my prized possession. this will not stand with the American people it certainly discussed and saddens me.

  28. Rod nichols

    I have always been a Ford fanatic I was proud when they did not take a bail out from the government now I’m off to Chevy thanks Ford for making my decision easier when I get a new truck in February

  29. Rod Nichols

    I can’t believe you Ford I was such a fan never buying one again

  30. Paul

    You say your an American Company and then stand with the players against the American Flag… You’re an American disgrace… I just bought your competitor car. I will never support Ford again

  31. Marc S.

    The NFL players nonsense has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech. Since you endorse this outrage, Ford which was my favorite product, will not be purchased by me in 2018. Ford is out of touch with America.

  32. Mark M.

    I have owned 10 Fords over the past 20 years. I will no longer buy Ford trucks until Ford corrects it’s position with the NFL Players. The players have the right under the constitution to speak out on their beliefs. They don’t have the right to do that at a workplace. I and most people can’t share my political opinion at my workplace as it is considered workplace harassment. I really wonder how the Ford leadership would react if one of their employees went into a customers environment with a Ford uniform on and made a political statement that alienated over 50% of their Ford customers.

    I love my Ford trucks but I cannot support a company who support such unpatriotic behaviors. Saying nothing would have been best. Too late.

  33. Nathan Steeves

    I wrote my letter to Ford as soon as I heard of this. I had been raised in a Ford Family. Now every time I see a Ford Logo I get angry over their disrespect toward our national Anthem and Flag. As a Marine Corps Veteran I will never own, drive, tolerate a Ford vehicle in my household. I truly wish that were not so.

    1. George Corwin

      I too am a USMC veteran/retiree, 27 years service. I’ve owned many Ford’s in my 75 years of life, but never again. I have eliminated Ford’s, Kellogg cereal, Starbucks, etc, etc! I also sold my Ford Stock!

  34. Nicholas Abbagliato

    No Ford products in my future.

  35. TMAD

    Getting used to my Subaru Outback. Foreign parts but assembled in Indiana. Only feel bad for my local Ford dealer, who has an excellent maintenance facility with top mechanics. But I don’t feel as guilty as the NFL thugs and Ford management should. Shameful.

  36. Manning

    I served my Country, but it seems some of my fellow Veterans and Military Active personnel have forgotten what that means… Our service is not to tell others what their freedom is, we served, serve to protect the Freedom of all Americans, we don’t have to agree with them, this protest isn’t about our flag, the anthem or disrespecting our Troops, it is about police brutality against our fellow American citizens, if you can’t understand the fundamental right for all Americans to be free from tyrony foreign and domestic, then you have forgotten your pledge of oath to this Country, not the NFL players, not Nike and not Ford, you are the problem now, your support for domestic terrorism is treasonous, you all need to take a long hard look in the mirror and decide if you are truly honoring your service to this Great Country or not… Stand on the right side of History, like so many of our fellow Americans Soldiers did and died for our Freedom to be Free Americans!!!

    1. Ron


    2. Paul Christensen

      Do people want police brutality, I know I do not. That would make us the same as Communism or Nazi Germany. But if you believe the media and all of the lies that they try to slant to make people hate our country so they can “change” it to become a Socialist State. I read the news and watch the slant put on things and I did not read the other side I would lose my objectivity. Many of the blacks who seem to be suffering from all of this are of low character, wanted by those police, resisting arrest, defying the law, and have the idea that you are not guilty unless you get caught.
      So fight for the rights of others but fight for justice, morality, and a law abiding people. Do not excuse them because they are your friends, your enemy, the color of their skin, the ethnics, culture, or race. And if you see an article in the paper do not jump right on it as being correct. Wait a few days with an open mind for the truth to come out.

    3. Marko

      No we that served we also taught to show respect for the flag & country. It’s a shame that you and a few fellow service members have forgotten that. Many of our fellow brothers & sisters were buried with that flag!

  37. bobby

    I don’t think I’ll ever buy a Ford truck again.
    and i am selling all my stocks

  38. Ron

    Please do not burn yourFord’s! Give them to a worthy cause or give them to me!

    I know you can not stand to see people standing up for a worthy cause such as violence and hate.

    But that’s what I fought for! That’s why I have up so much! Antics had airways protected it’s citizens rights to protest.

    Just like those kkk who protested in Charleston and killed the young lady. The president said they were great people!

    But many people need your Ford’s. Give them back to ford to give to donate to needy people!
    By the way I drive a Hummer and GM psi back all the money with a huge interest.

    So they really did not take advantage of the American people!
    And if you think fighting for America is easy you should have your body covered with agent orange and have your lungs so heavily doysed that you cannot breathe for weeks! Yet thou do it because you believe in the right for American citizens to protest! Now that’s real! You know thou are going to die but antics just say do not worry about it agent orange is safe!
    Yea, right! Its a ticking time bomb in your body left courtesy of the war in Viet Nam!

    Yet you fight anyway!

  39. Ron

    This is how the post should read without physical pain!

    Please do not burn your Ford’s! Give them to a worthy cause or give them to me!

    I know you can not stand to see people standing up for a worthy cause such as violence and hate.

    But that’s what I fought for! That’s why I have so much! America has always protected it’s citizens rights to protest.

    We are not a communist nation. American citizens have rights that we are sworn to protect!

    Just like those kkk who protested in Charleston and killed the young lady. The president said they were great people!

    But many people need your Ford’s. Give them back to ford to donate to needy people!

    By the way I drive a Hummer and GM paid back all the money with a huge interest.

    So they really did not take advantage of the American people!

    And if you think fighting for America is easy you should have your body covered with agent orange and have your lungs so heavily dosed that you cannot breathe for weeks!

    Yet you do it because you believe in the right for American citizens to protest!

    Now that’s real! You know tyu are going to die but America just say do not worry about it agent orange is safe!

    Yea, right! Its a ticking time bomb in your body left courtesy of the war in Viet Nam!

    Yet you fight anyway!

  40. Whatever

    I’ll actively make sure none of my money goes to anti-American, anti-Police NFL, Nike and into Kaepernick’s pockets.

  41. Angela Goodwill

    I have always bought and driven Fords and now will continue to drive nothing but a FORD!!!! Thank you for standing up for what is right.

  42. val

    Well, that’s the end of my 3 generations of family Ford ownership. Watch Ford sales drop.

  43. Jim

    Nike & Ford are on the wrong side. I’m a Vietnam Vet also and I have no problem with them protesting on their own time but not during the National Anthem. You can legally burn the flag also but I don’t have to like it or think that it is an OK protest. The NFL are the real idiots here because they can demand good behavior of the players and for the most part they are not and they are losing because of it. Why would Nike or Ford or any business alienate a good portion of their customers? Doesn’t make sense to me. Also I find it despicable when a player wears socks making police out to be pigs. My god they are the only thing between us and total chases. These companies and the players are setting a very poor example for our children. I wish Karpernick bad luck and any who follow his example. Find another way to protest

    Yes, I serviced to afford people their right to protest but I also have that right and I will boycott and speak out about these companies as is my right.

    1. April

      He isn’t protesting the flag or national anthem.
      A veteran encouraged him to kneel to show respect for fallen service members and the military. So that’s what he did, it is to show us respect for the time we served.
      The National Anthem isn’t for the military it wasnt created for the military. It was for citizens of the United states. Some of whom feel they’re not being treated fairly. This song doesn’t belong to you and you hold no more right to it than Kolin or any other person. Get over yourself. From a vegetarian of the United States Army

      1. Jim

        “From a vegetarian of the United States Army” What do you mean get over myself? If you think he has a right to kneel, don’t I also have the right to boycott and criticize him? Sorry if I offended you snowflake.

        1. Jimmie

          Something tells me that “April the Vegetarian” has never served……..

          1. Marko


      2. Marko

        That vegetarian doesn’t speak for all veterans. In fact it is INGRAINED in you as a military member to STAND out of respect and face the flag when the national anthem is played. Anything less will get you a court martial. Never has a military member ever kneeled while the national Anthem was played. You kneel in front of the next of kin when presenting the folded flag used in the funeral service out of respect when a fellow soldier has fallen. Whoever started that rumor was a flat out liar or that soldier was NOT a real soldier.

        1. Manning

          Yes we took that oath, civilians do not take such an oath, so learn your facts before you make such an absurd statement, like the one you just made sir… I’m a Veteran, I served my country for the freedom of all, not just your freedom, everyones freedom, that is their own right of citizenship, you don’t get to choose for them, to do what they feel is right, you have your opinion, do not try and make your opinion a standard for all Americans, because I, you or anyone else do not have the right to speak or dictate someone’s freedom of choice or how they choose to protest, remember that!!!

  44. Dis Johnson

    Your a business shut your mouth and do your job. Why screw up you bottom line because you want to be opinionated. Terrible business model.

  45. wake up

    do people read or just look at the headline and grunt? ford says they dont agree with the protest of the flag but supports your right to protest.

  46. Paul Christensen

    That is not the way it originally came down. Back when the kneeling first started. Looks like they have changed their minds when their sales dropped off, which it has significantly. Funny how that works isn’t it, But the truth be told.

  47. Michael

    Just bought a new 2019 Ram 1500 Limited. Drove my Ford explore 2000 for 18 years 200,000 plus miles. Glad I didn’t buy a Ford seeing that the owners of the company are anti-Trump and anti-American!

  48. James Hebert

    I stand for the American Flag and the sacrifices our country have made that it stands for. Ford should keep to making vehicles and stay out of politics. Looks like after years of Fords its time to buy a GMC. GMC does not support dishonoring our country and veterans. Sure the players have the right to protest. But not during an NFL game. We “were” there to watch a football game, not a bunch of privileged players who make millions protest anything. Been a while since I watched an NFL game so sponsor the NFL, it doesn’t matter, I won’t see Ford’s ads anyway. An idea. Take all the money you pour into the NFL and give scholarships to the children and families of those who returned with one of those flags over their coffin.

  49. Les

    Months of talking my husband into a Ford Escape as my new car… all for naught. Not saying CP doesn’t have a right to express his views… he does, as do I. But his choice of where to inform of his thoughts, and views, designed to rub people’s face into it, instead of having a grown up conversation someplace where appropriate… wrong. And you supporting his right to be disrespectful is not right either. His forum is elsewhere. Personally, I hope ALL your employees decide to find something to take a knee about during working hours that disrespects you and everyone relying on you….. and lets see just how fast you decide at work, whether in a factory, or on a field, or on a stage, is not where this should happen.

  50. Les

    Months of talking my husband into a Ford Escape as my new car… all for naught. Not saying CP doesn’t have a right to express his views… he does, as do I. But his choice of where to inform of his thoughts, and views, designed to rub people’s face into it, instead of having a grown up conversation someplace where appropriate… wrong. And you supporting his right to be disrespectful is not right either. His forum is elsewhere. Personally, I hope ALL your employees decide to find something to take a knee about during working hours that disrespects you and everyone relying on you….. and lets see just how fast you decide at work, whether in a factory, or on a field, or on a stage, is not where this should happen. Never buying from you again

  51. Deanna

    Thank you for making the decision to trade in my 2012 Mustang easier. I was indecisive because I really like my car, but I can’t advertise for your company any longer. You are certainly welcome to support whomever you wish, but I don’t have to help you sell vehicles. You won’t lose any money because of me trading my car, but you won’t gain anymore from me.

  52. Tramp

    While I agree Kaepernick has the right to protest although I condemn the NFL for their wishy washy way of enforcing their rules (remember Tim Tebow?) And manufacturers have the right to endorse or support whom they wish. I have the right to disagree and boycott the NFL and said supporters. This is one N Y Giants alumni family that will NEVER buy another ticket, watch another game or knowingly purchase ANY NFL advertisers products.

  53. Richard Daley

    Mrs. Ford
    Last year I purchased a $64,000 Ford Expedition. Had I( know your attitude toward our American flag, I would have purchased another brand.

  54. James Hebert

    I wonder if the people who build Ford automobiles follow the misguided attitudes of the Ford Corporate Management. I hope not. Wonder how many snowflakes drive F150 trucks? I sure there will be many more in the future. Since Ford choses to alienate patriotic americans who stand for the Flag and all it stands for, I cannot imagine what they hope to gain, except the admiration of far left wing radicals.

  55. FordAllTheWayin DSM

    Well, I just read through some of these and had to reply. I simply LOVE seeing people bash one another over trivial BS. When you call out someone for being “stupid” as a Republican, Democrat, Anti Kneeler or whatever…PLEASE, use spell check, check your grammar and syntax. When you call someone out and imply them to be “less than”, remember, coming from an idiot who preaches to speak only one language in a land of many needs to make sure they too can not only speak it, but convey it properly in writing.

    As for me and my house, we will buy Fords…Why? Because they are obviously American…They were founded here, built here and are now not only sold here but world wide. They gave us the founding principles of what america has used to become the great country it has ALWAYS been, such as the assembly line in mass production scenarios. They are obviously bi-partisan because they are capitalizing on the FACT that there are more sane people in this country that will assist in supporting them, than there are the uninformed. 3 million votes has proved that. What tickles me is seeing the veterans of numerous wars, including Pearl Harbor in support of boycotting Ford for being “non American”, yet buy Japanese verses Ford…Really people? If you don’t see the ironic humor in that alone, you’re in need of some education.

    Ford is an awesome automobile these days and is doing a great job incorporating safety standards and a reliable product…something not many really pay close attention to, other than to copy others. They’ve gotten their lead from manufacturers in countries that promote solace, peace and understanding among it’s citizens. (ie, Sweden with Volvo).

    Their cars have taken a turn for the better and I’m proud to say that our family traded in not 1 but FOUR Volvos to show our appreciation to Ford for standing up with America is solidarity. We now own FOUR fords to replace four of which some will not “buy another”…you see, this IS how this works. We bought a nice brand new F150, Explorer and 2 other small car/SUV’s in order to show our support. So, bite me. Ford, your plan worked. Show true American support and capitalize where you can! People on the Left will flock to buy your products even more now, because WE are STRONGER TOGETHER than apart.

    I’m quite thankful that some won’t buy them anymore, this only means that they will be providing jobs to other car companies now that Ford will be selling to over half the country. Go right ahead…just remember, Ford has been around longer than most.

    This is all ridiculous though. CK, yes, got his advice from a Veteran…he chose to use a platform that he CHOSE to work in, in an effort to do what he feels is right. So be it! It’s HIS PRIVILEGE to do so. It’s your privilege not to agree. Again, so be it. The discussion needs to lie at this though…is what he knelt for a good cause? Was there reason? Is it “valid”? Of course it is! Not everyone agrees with someone’s reaction or path as they seek to share an opinion or thought…that alone makes us individuals. Not everyone reacts or protests in the same way either. To kneel or not to kneel? Well, that is a right he has. Respect or no respect…THAT is an opinion and a feeling…not a FACT. Since he is standing up for the cause, so to speak, then it is important to him and HE MATTERS. I agree that those who disagree matter too. Say what you will, but BE GOOD, like your first lady says to be… Be understanding and empathetic to all people, for it is OUR country, not YOURS individually. That’s the “key” to understanding all of it.

    There IS a problem. Own it. Correct it. Do something about it. Grow….then BE the Christian you claim to be, but first of all, act like it.

    1. Marko

      Telling people to “bite you” loses all credibility in your long winded drivel. BTW, it’s people’s RIGHT, to rite thier posts, in any formate, of bad grammer they want too.! Thanks for playing the useless game of grammar police. Glad it makes small people feel good about themselves.

  56. Marjorie Felico-Pattison

    I will now never purchase a Ford again. Current owner of a chevy, and I was considering going back to Ford. Thank you for helping me to make up my mind!

  57. sue

    Thank you Ford for taking a rationale response. I will consider buying a Ford the next time I am looking for a vehicle.

  58. Robert Comer

    Well actually fords are manufactured in Mexico and assembled in the Us, so you are actually incorrect Fordallthewayin DSM.

  59. Paul Christensen

    Not so. Did I not say they were manufactured in Mexico. Give them a little time and with the hard times that are ahead they will move everything to Mexico.

  60. Paul Christensen

    Not so. Did I not say they were manufactured in Mexico. Give them a little time and with the hard times that are ahead they will move everything to Mexico. And if you support America all the way then you are a miss.

  61. Johnny Nelson

    I am so sick of you Red necks who never served in the military, thinking you know what constitutes respect of the flag is , (Kneeling isn’t disrespect, it’s a sign of reverence) spreading the Flags across a dam field, race track or hood of a car is.. .. The Flag should always be displayed vertical, not horizontal ..Signed retired staff sergeant: J Nelson

    1. Paul Christensen

      Anything out of normal is considered disrespectful. Is it respectful to play on your computer in church while the prayer is said. That might seem logical to some who do not care but if so they should go outside to play their games. Singing the National Anthem is a tribute to all American and especially those that have sacrificed for us to have the freedoms that we cherish.
      I never served. I was 1Y. But I can still shows honor to those who gave me the freedoms that I enjoy.
      Kneeling in some cases is reverence and in some cases is it submission. Some cases it is fear. If i sit one my butt when I should be standing that is disrespectful.
      Now AS a former Sargent if a person went prone when you gave an order what would you do. Say he is giving you the respect you deserve. No you would have had him Court Martialed.

    2. Robert H. Webber

      Kneeling is respect? Have you ever saluted from a kneeling position?

    3. Robert H. Webber

      Kneeling during the anthem is respect? Have you ever saluted from a kneeling position?

  62. benny

    you know i’ve be an avid ford buyer for 30 years
    just got 2018 excape for wife august
    i did not know ford thinks its ok to protest america while pretending its something else
    i promise you last ford i’m buying
    i will buy rice burners now on because they are more american
    oh well its their company

  63. John Aventi

    No ford will be in my driveway again. ford wants to take sides with traitors so fu*k them.

  64. rican

    What would happen if every BLACK NFL player and supporters bought a FORD and the many Americans who oppose their RACISM stand refused to buy one? FORD BE OUT OF BUSINESS real quick. I have owned and bought FORD all my life but that will stop IMMEDIATELY.

  65. Marybeth Mangual

    It is always such a pleasure to read posts created by actual professionals.

    I’m fed up with all that no-name, ghostwritten articles.
    That is the reason it was so pleasant to take a look at a compelling piece.
    I visit the writer has floor knowledge it the topic as
    well as some practical expertise. Such sort of information is more favorable than copypasted blog posts thoughts.


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