Ford is very protective of its mystichrome paint color, and it reportedly has to do with proprietary technology that allows the paint to change colors. Ford allegedly sent out an employee with the paint to the shop when a mystichrome car needed to be fixed, and then returned the unused paint to Ford. The hoop-jumping was to prevent the mystichrome paint from being used on other cars.
One of the few options that buyers of the Ford GT could get was custom paint, and this particular Ford GT buyer, Justin Choi, was able to get Ford to paint the car in mystichrome for a cool $100,000. The video from Donut Media doesn’t do a good job of showing off the mystichrome paint. The car appears on screen as mostly blue, but you can see a bit of the color change effect with parts of the car looking green in some shots.
The paint looks like different colors in different lighting and can appear blue, green, purple, gold, and other colors depending on how the light hits it. To use the mystichrome paint on the Ford GT required Ford to approve the choice and it took a while because of difficulty in being able to catalog the paint. Ford allegedly couldn’t find the color in their system and therefore couldn’t figure out how to invoice for the paint.
The high price allowed Justin to get his Ford GT in the mystichrome color and lock all other Ford GT buyers from ever being able to choose that color. The right to the color and to lock any other Ford GT owner from painting in that color again cost Justin $100,000 for paint alone. With the prices that Ford GTs have been going for at auction, should Justin ever decide to sell the car, he won’t have a problem getting his money back on that one-of-a-kind paint expense.
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