Ford Authority

New ‘Singers’ Ford EV Commercial Says You Don’t Need 100%: Video

Ford has a new series of commercials that aim to educte car shoppers on one of the misconceptions of an EV. Many people think that an EV needs to be plugged in wherever they go. This is despite statistics that tell us that the average EV owner never charges at a public charging station. Most EV owners charge their rides exclusively at home.

To help people understand that a Ford EV doesn’t need to be at 100 percent all the time. Ford has three new commercials that all aim to show a humorous way that people don’t need to be at 100 percent. One of them is “Electric Vehicles: You Don’t Have To Be At 100% | Sports Fan,” and the second is “Electric Vehicles: You Don’t Have To Be At 100% | Co-Worker.”

The last of the three commercial series is called “Electric Vehicles: You Don’t Have To Be At 100% | Singers,” and it shows a quartet of singers on stage wrapping up a song when one of them goes 100 percent. The last male singer in the line starts to sing loudly and overruns the others in the group as they all look at him with stink eye as he messes up the performance.

He didn’t need to go to 100 percent volume and showbiz; the point of the commercial is that your car doesn’t need to be at 100 percent either. This series of ads is one part of the education campaign that Ford is running to dispell EV myths.

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Shane is a car guy with a fondness for Mustangs and off-roading.

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  1. They can hire people to sing about cars but they can’t manage to deliver new police cars as scheduled because they are so troublesome.


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