Another Ford F-150 10R80 transmission class action lawsuit has been filed. The lawsuit alleges that occupants inside the truck can suffer whiplash because of how hard and erratically the transmission shifts. The 10-speed transmission in the lawsuit was jointly developed by GM and is found in multiple cars and trucks sold by both automakers.
The Ford 10R80 transmission lawsuit that was filed in August of 2019 was on behalf of owners in Illinois. The new 10-speed transmission lawsuit is on behalf of owners in Pennsylvania who formerly or currently own a 2017 to 2020 Ford F-150 truck that uses the 10-speed. The owner who filed the lawsuit alleges that he purchased a 2018 F-150 SuperCab in September 2018 when the truck had 10-miles on the odometer. The owner claims that by 6,000 miles, the truck was making loud clanking noise from the 10-speed transmission that caused rough shifting and shift times that were much too long.
The suit claims that the transmission caused the truck to decelerate and created safety hazards while driving. After bringing the truck to the dealership, he was told that there was no fix for the issue because all F-150 trucks made the same noise. He was allegedly told that the slipping and jerking was normal for all 10R80 transmissions. The suit says that Ford knew or should have known about the transmission problems that cause hard shifting, jerking, lunging, and hesitation between gears.
Ford has issued a pair of TSBs concerning the 10-speed transmission in the 2017-2018 F-150 pickups that are for “harsh or bumpy shifting, downshift, or engagement concerns.” Those TSBs had the dealership reprogram the powertrain control module. The plaintiff, in this case, claims that Ford should pay damages to all affected customers and order a recall to fix the defective transmission. The case covers all impacted owners in Pennsylvania.
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Source: Car Complaints
Whiplash? Seriously?
This lawsuit is ridiculous. Lawyers! :/
Yes whip lash. You should be in one that suddenly slams in to low gear at 70mph. Or 40mph. It causes whip lash and is very dangerous. Just another recall for ford. Imagine that.
My 2017 Ford F-150 does not shift from first gear to second gear, but from first to third gear. In a parking lot, it is a concern, because it lunged forward at times, and may cause an accident or hit a pedestrian. I have to step on the brake quickly to slow the truck down.
I own one The suit is not ridiculous. There is a serious safety issue here.
I bought my F150 with the 10R80 Transmission before I heard of the Suite. My Truck has been in and out of the Dealerships for the past year with no fix to my clanging and banging transmission and drive train. I had a complaint into Ford and they refused to fix the problem even after the Dealership witnessed the truck clanging and banging, it has had all the SB and recalls done to the truck to try to fix the truck. I have now taken the issue to the BBB for arbitration with Ford.
Hi George. I just read your thread on Ford Authority. I have been experiencing all the claims everyone has been making on this site. Please let me know if you had any success with the better business bureau. My warranty is about to expire and I have had problems since day one. Best Regards, Paul
My 2017 Ford Raptor has been in the shop 2 times now for a total of 5 months so far. Each time having the transmission repaired. 48 months of ownership and 5 months of it I have not had my truck to drive.
It is currently at the dealer now going into its 4th month at the dealership for the second transmission repair. They have tried and can not fix it. I am actually seeking legal help now. I have all the paperwork and documentation.
It has had the front hubs replaced, the rear axle seal changed. the right turbo changed, the transmission rebuilt and torque converter replaced, the heated seat quit, the oil pan leaks from every side, and the vacuum check valve for the 4wd hubs replaced 2 times.
I have never had the truck off-road and it has been a pavement princess its whole life I would hate to know how bad it would be if I actually had to use it as a real 4wd truck.
Ford needs to accept the fact that they have a HUGE issue with these transmissions.
How can I get on this class action suit? I purchased a 2018 2 years ago and it’s doing exactly what this says. I just paid 650 bucks for absolutely nothing because it’s still doing this.
I nearly damaged my truck in an icy parking lot at work. I was picking up a passenger by the exit door as we were leaving the workplace. I knew it was icy and was driving slowly in Auto 1. Then it switched to Auto 3. The vehicle lunged forward and i started sliding towards the steel posts beside me. I know breaking isn’t an option on ice, so I gave it a bit of acceleration to control the slide and pull away from the steel fence post! I came so close to damaging my truck. Now think of this if someone in a parking lot walked out in front of you, especially kids, and it lunged forward. The explanation i got from this experience is that this happens to make the transition more smoother and better, optimal performance? Not! It is more a liability/safety issue in my book.
Whoever said the lawsuit is ridiculous either doesn’t own a Ford F-150 or is generally clueless. I own a 2019 F-150 4 WD Super Cab with the 10R80 model transmission and have experienced all of the issues. From a stand-still, the transmission can slip momentarily and then jarringly slam into gear. When slowing to turn a corner, the transmission can slip long enough that the truck rolls to a stop before finally lunging and taking off. On many occasions, the transmission fails to upshift for long periods of time or downshifts randomly causing the vehicle speed to reduce and the engine rpm to increase dangerously…….. especially when towing our travel trailer. In addition to being inconvenient and being unsafe, it will significantly reduce the resale value….. if i can sell it at all.
Hi, my truck is doing this. I live in Canada. Is there a similar case in Canada?
I have had a problem since almost the first week of possession of my 2020 F-150 SuperCrew with all-wheel drive or four-wheel drive 5.0 liter engine. When you pull up somewhere and stop go from drive to reverse complete dead stop you put it into reverse it slaps and bangs makes a hell of a noise which I have never owned a car that did that in my 67 years of life I know something’s wrong with it I feel something’s wrong with the transmission so I don’t know what to do. Should I trade it in and not tell the next unknown customer will I be liable for not telling them something is wrong??? I wish somebody to tell me what to do if you’re a lawyer or some kind of class action lawsuit against them or what. And I I spent $43,000 on a brand-new pickup truck. Alright I’ll put my hankies way stop frying sorry I bothered you.
I just like to know what legal action I could take against Ford Motor Company or who was responsible for this defective transmission and why is it still been able to continually been peddled to the public as the perfect vehicle this is what really dumb founds me. Tell me the tell me what to do I surely would appreciate it thank you very much have a nice day
how do i get on the suit My ford 2019 F150 transmission doing same as everyone’s, we almost got killed on highway when truck just down shifted and stopped truck, wrench came on luckily we were able to pulled to the side of the road. Brought back to dealer when i asked if anyone else was having this problem they said no. We’re in North Carolina
brought my new born home in my 2019 f150 XL yesterday my butt was puckered the whole way home we live a hour away from hospital. please let me know how to get on lawsuit lemon law for for this bull. I experienced all the problems with this pos.
we made it. Tallahassee,FL Ford is the worst
also own a 2013 c-max with class action lawsuit. American truck? with Japan and Taiwan crap.
Have two ford’s a 19 f150 and a 22 350 I noticed when it shifts to fourth gear that it slams in on the 150. The 22 only has 4000 on it no problem yet but will see . But if there is a case in Michigan I would like know. And when they reprogram the cam shaft sensor I lost 1.5 miles to the gallon.
I would like to join this law suit, I live in Pennsylvania, I bought my f150 king ranch from Koch ford in Easton Pennsylvania, there response was, “we are just the dealer” you need to call ford and complain, there has been service bulletin concerning the transmission, they want$ 7002 dollars to replace it , and ford is denying any problems, you tube has a ton of complaints on the transmission, but the NTSA has not issued a recall on this dangerous issue I was on the on ramp to a major highway and she rattled and died, the dealer charger $1080 for the diagnoses, Amaco wants $6200 when I told him what they charged me for the diagnostic, he said “what”
Bottom line Koch ford in Easton , and Ford corporate have no idea what’s coming their way,the service mangers the techs, and the shop manger and the dealer, I think if you live in Pennsylvania and you and other owners start to have rallies around all the dealers on Saturday when they sell the most cars, maybe we can prevent people from making the costly mistake that we are all suffering, if someone could tell the firm that is representing the class action law suit I would like join, plus rally other ford owners to join in order to change this life threatening issue.
Yes. We may need to get more organized and start picketing Ford Dealers to let others be aware of the “not our problem” mentality of Ford Dealers and Ford Corporate as well. We may do better if we impact their sales rather that sitting around complaining to those who don’t care.
I too have had problems on snow packed and icy parking lots and roads. I have had my truck into the Dealer ship 3 times now and have been told that it must be something in the transmission and I need a NEW ONE! 72,500 miles on the truck and Never pulling more than a boat!! New transmission is about $6,500.00 installed and a minimum of 6 weeks out. What am I to do in the mean time, drive a Chevy ??
i have a 2018 expedition when going to pass or accelerate the trans goes in to neutral and a wrench shows up on dash I slow and it catches a gear and the goes into gear . almost caused an accident .went to dealer to check it out and they said there was no codes and no problems this has happened several times. to upside down to sell it or repair it, a trans shop said that it could be a computer program problem if there is a class action suite i would be interested Im in Texas
How do you get Ford to replace the Transmission? Mine went out Yesterday when I had my 3 Special Needs Children in the car. and now adays ppl don’t help others.
My 2019
F150 has ben to the shop four times.They reprogramed it rebuilt the valve body and it still wont down shift when you slow down . The trans get’s hot but Ford say’s that is ok .I like my truck but if Ford won’t fix . I will trade it in on a new Toyota.
I have a F150 4×4 crew cab it does the same thing as all the complaints it also uses 6 to 8 quarts of oil between oil changes it’s my first new ford and probably my last because they don’t fix anything they have excuse after excuse it would be a nice truck if they fixed it