As Ford Authority reported earlier today, the United Auto Workers (UAW) union ultimately decided not to take action at additional Ford-owned facilities after the two sides made “real progress” in talks regarding a new four-year contract – though that isn’t the case with General Motors and Stellantis, it seems. However, aside from differences in opinion on how much of a raise UAW workers should get – along with the definition of wage tiers – it’s been a bit unclear just how far apart the two sides are in these ongoing negotiations. Now, the UAW has outlined precisely what each automaker is offering in this X (formerly known as Twitter) thread.
First up, we have the issue of cost of living increases – or COLA – and in that regard, Ford has offered to reinstate this following its suspension during talks back in 2009. Meanwhile, neither GM nor Stellantis is offering any sort of wage protection at this time.
In terms of job security, both GM and Stellantis rejected the UAW’s proposals, while Ford is offering income security of up to two years with health care in the event of an indefinite layoff, which applies to all workers with at least 90 days of service.
GM and Stellantis also rejected the UAW’s profit sharing proposal, while FoMoCo is offering a 13.3 percent increase for the average employee payout, and also proposed extending profit sharing payouts to temporary employees with at least 90 days of service.
In terms of temporary workers, Ford is willing to convert all of them with at least 90 days of employment to permanent status, while GM and Stellantis rejected the UAW’s proposals in that regard.
Finally, we have the complicated matter of wage tiers. Ford is offering to put its employees at the Rawsonville and Sterling Axle components plants on the same wage scale as assembly workers, and eliminate that entire wage tier. GM is offering to place some of its components workers on the same wage scale as assembly plant employees as well – eliminating that wage tier – while Stellantis has thus far refused to make any changes in that regard.
We’ll have more on the UAW strike soon, so be sure and subscribe to Ford Authority for more 2023 Ford-UAW news, UAW news, and ongoing Ford news coverage.
Look at all these anti-union tears, can’t wait to wipe my ass with my bonus money while you all cry about unions.
you should not even be saying things like that on here. a lot of people have a lot of different feeling on this. what comes around , go’s around.
Maybe we can meet at your bank and see who’s bonus is better
I appreciate the support but what I think you arr missing is the fact that what we are asking for is what we gave up over the last 12-15 years. We went that long without a raise or profit sharing. My pay has went up only $6 over that 12 year span. With cooperate pay went up 30% , while Ford profits have been record profits every year, and while inflation has risen astronomical. These are things we gave up so Ford could stay profitable over the years of stuggle. On top of that I don’t think a lot of people realize how grueling a job as an auto worker truly is. It’s not a normal job and takes a toll on your mental and your body!
I’ve have been part of some of the biggest and strongest unions in the nation just to give you an idea of the unions I am part of.
International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF)
Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts (PFFM)
International Associations of EMT’s and Paramedics (IAEP)
Massachusette Nurses Association (MNA)
I believe unions have a place, however, there are limits to what union members should expect. Being part of the unions that I have listed came with a LOT of education. Even with all my education the UAW is asking to make more then me, no lie. The CEO of Ford was correct in saying you are asking for is more then what fire fighters, paramedics, police officers, and teachers make. Im sorry but on this point I have to agree with management.
Do I think you all deserve raises absloutly, however, the amount you are asking for is outlandish. Fain keeps mentioning corporate greed well let me flip the script, how about UAW greed!
As for the person that said he will wipe his ass with his bonus money just shows his ignorance and lack of education. Not everyone is gong to agree with what you are doing, that doesn’t mean you attack someone for having an opinion. As for affording the vehicles you make education is key to increased revenue. Invest in yourself to warrant affording an 75k truck. I’m not throwing shade just a different perspective is all. I wish you all good luck.
Here’s the thing. If your union contracts offered the same thing that Mr. Fain is asking for, would you vote “no” because it wouldn’t be fair to people who worked harder than you to make more money than you? I feel like the real issue here is that you think a production worker at the Big 3 doesn’t deserve to make more money than you due to your education and qualifications. That’s fine and all, I just don’t see how you can be a part of those unions and side with management at all.
UAW already makes more than the union’s you just talked about with the exception of nurses union. The uaw was at one time the biggest union in the USA but after mass plant closures and big business moving over seas or into Mexico for a cheap labor force that has changed! Again roughly 5-7% of the cost of the vehicle is union labor! Vehicles made in Mexico aren’t cheaper just because the workers get paid less!
Ford is smart. Reinstating the COLA is a no-brainer. Profit-sharing is reasonable. I own Ford stock and benefit from their success with attractive dividends and (sometimes) increased stock valuation. Why spend millions/billions to buy back stock? Investors are doing fine– let’s share the good times with the people who are responsible for the profits. Over the years, unions have negotiated benefits we all have benefitted. Ford has smart people who can count and know how much the company can offer. Ford will be seen as the leader in these negotiations.
I’ll check back with you at the next major market downturn (which is long overdue). Ford will be slashing/suspending its dividend on common stock and teetering on the edge of BK (again). You won’t be a happy investor then…
So far I think that Ford is doing the right thing. If, however, they grant the 4 day 32 hour work week I will never buy another Ford. And I have bought a lot of them and own 3 currently!
Just curious why wouldn’t you purchase another Ford based on an employee work schedule?
A 32hr work week with 40hr pay. That’s a ridiculous demand. And wanting ultra high raises on top of that makes it worse.
Work smarter, maintain better- with less downtime for issues- will make up the difference of 1 days productivity easily. Thus, really no loss of production going to a 32 hour work week, if it is done correctly, and they have that capability!
The line moves only so fast. You can be as productive as you want. You are only making autos as fast as the conveyor is designed go.
32 for 40 is an absolute overtime grab by the union and a complete joke
For 32hr work week 40 hrs pay breakdown is…they will work 40 hours will be payed over time overtime after 32 hrs thats what that means.
4 Day Work Week == 20% less cars built per year == 25% higher cost per vehicle. Thank you UAW!!!!
Really sad. Have you seen Germany lately? For decades, they’ve had exactly that, a 32 hour work week for 40 hours pay. Productivity skyrocketed. Amazing.
For 32hr work week 40 hrs pay breakdown is…they will work 40 hours will be payed over time overtime after 32 hrs thats what that means.
I have news for you people, if prices are to high people won’t buy. And the bottom line is sales. No money, No job. Simple isn’t it.
Unions need to go away, period. If they don’t like what the employers are offering, they should go find another job. If you don’t like the free market, move to China…this hostage mindset is what bankrupts companies.
Let’s see. Would I rather work at Target or Walmart making around $20 an hour for the rest of my life or work for a union company with great benefits and a top pay in the $30 an hour range for unskilled labor? I don’t see how finding another job is the solution. Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of good paying jobs that are non union. Oh and unions aren’t bankrupting anyone.
You’re ignorance about unions is ridiculous. you enjoy the benefits of hard-working individuals who United to make the workplace safer, able to support their families, have decent work hours of only 40 hours per week, healthcare benefits, holiday pay and time off, and all the other benefits that came about because of unions. All of those naysayers who don’t like unions are benefiting from the hard work that went into unionizing people to have a better life here in America. It amazes me how many fools there are out here and ignorant people.
Ford needs to do something about their dealerships. I had a dealership keep my car 9 and a half months. Because they screwed it up. They acted like I was the bad guy for wanting it back.
As a second level manager for a fortune 100 global company, I’ll be honest, the union is a pain. However, I’m glad Ford and the UAW are making real progress in removing the tier wage scale and the long term temporary positions. All this does is cause animosity among the employees, and it’s not right.
I appreciate the honesty. I hope both sides come to a fair and reasonable agreement.
Before you start bashing the unions and their wages you first need to educate yourself on the labor cost of a vehicle. You’d be surprised how little the cost of a vehicle is actually labor cost.
I own a Ford, work for one of the big 3, other than them. Honestly I’m proud of ford for sticking to their roots and being stakeholder minded instead of just stockholder machines. They are more patriotic and they care about the country they operate in. This should be core to all companies because who wants to invest in a company who has a desire to drive the country into the ground, for the sake of wealth consolidation? It’s unsustainable to base your value on future growth, and these companies cannibalize the best parts, just to have better numbers. We all work to live, they should pay us very well in order to be valuable as an asset to our country. More pay= more taxes= better roads, schools, public services. If they are only taking our money away at both the consumer and the worker by paying less adjusted for inflation, it’s doing our country a disservice by consolidating wealth and giving it away to other nations. The UAW is fighting a patriotic fight for the citizens of our country because no one else will. Unchecked capitalism will drain our country, we need to protect our quality of life. I hope investors will learn to value companies that improve the lives of as many citizens of the nation they operate in as they can, and not base their perceived value on future growth. That’s the only sustainable way for capitalism.
I’m not understanding the anti union mentality here. This nations growth has been nothing but phenomenal since Unions raised our standard of living. Are Union demands inflationary? Of course they are. They’re meant to at least a little. Behind instead of a lot behind. Corporate America gives nothing. Unions force the issue and the others fall in line due to the competition. I’d be willing to bet that if Unions were outlawed, average pay would fall by 50% within 2 years and benefits, paid holidays, etc. would disappear within 5 years. Pensions. Forget it. Sick leave? Not a chance. Medical? Obamacare will see a windfall, if anyone can even afford that. Corporations and their CEO’s would see windfalls of even more epic proportions. Mary Barra at $22M is stupendously overpaid. The President of The United States of America gets paid $400k to preside over a $5T budget, responsibilities like no other in the nation. There’s nothing Mary does that tops that, or anyone else for that matter. Notice none of these people step up and invite cuts to their pay. Nope. Chip Roy a Texas congressman whines daily about spending yet never has he introduced a bill cutting his benefits off, nor his pay in half. Leadership is about example. None of these people exhibit example. Instead they bloviate, falsely about how much they care. Nary a shred of example though.
You tell it like it is. God Bless you. These anti union politicians clowns don’t have a clue. They are the one over paid for doing noting but trying to destroy our great nation. Republican pieces of crap.
Anti union AND worker Repubs gladly dish out the tax breaks for the high paying execs and CEOs. Makes little difference to them if operations are moved offshore to enrichen other countries. They associate unions with hated Democrats, who have historically supported unions and labor causes.
Just remember Ford didn’t take the Federal bailouts GM and Chrysler/Stellantis took. That was taxpayer’s money. Ops still went overseas. I’m a Ford customer, not an employee. My dad was a GM dealer for 40 yrs+. The fed bailout killed his business (Oldsmobile) since GM cut the brand.
All you people that say their wants are outlandish…… Do you know how long it’s been since they have had a raise???????
Ford has a big ad campaign assembled in America 🇺🇲 going and very proud of it apparently ! But with rumors of 2.8 billion dollar plants built in Mexico 🇲🇽 if I was in my middle age working for Ford I would have second thoughts . There’s no one that knows for sure where will be 4 yrs from now but a company that’s so proud to be American company and just the thought of them building in another country and trying to sell it back to American consumers is sad !
I had 8 years seniority when we gave up COLA, along with other concessions, to help the company in time of need rather than take a government bail out. In that time I only remember 1 time COLA actually went DOWN a nickel or dime due to no inflation. Ford promised to reinstate COLA when times got better and times are better. We were all skeptical of ever regaining it, but I’m proud to be working for a company who appears to be keeping their word. Not taking the federal money Chrysler and GM took gained us some market share because of the publics respect in Ford for not taking a handout. This apparent willingness has taken pressure from the UAW naturally, but I bet we gain more market share from it if the past is any indication. THANK YOU UAW, Shawn Fain, brothers and sisters, Ford Motor Co. and God for bringing the best Car manufacturer back in the line light
As far as unions go…I’ve been a USW member since 2008. We’ve never had profit sharing unless before my time. We used to have performance pay but not any more. We used to have 10 weeks vacation a year. Not anymore. Now it’s 5 weeks & work 25 years to get that. Our new hires have no pension…401k only. We are also severely short staffed & working 7 days a week quite often. No bonus pay of any kind for anyone at any time period. Just sharing our experience.
Oh & also our insurance used to be $0.00 p/w. Now it’s $55.00 p/w.