As Ford Authority reported back in November, now-President Donald Trump has long planned to roll back former President Joe Biden’s stricter fuel efficiency standards, which called for new vehicle fuel economy averages to increase two percent each year for 2027-2031 model year passenger cars, as well as light trucks built in the 2029-2031 model years. As for heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans, fuel efficiency was slated to increase by 10 percent per year for the 2030-2032 model years and eight percent annually for those produced in the 2033-2035 model years. Now, that process has officially begun.
As Sean Duffy was sworn in as the new Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), his first act was to sign a memorandum directing staff to start the process of resetting Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, which the Trump administration says will lower the prices of new vehicles, as well as eliminate what has often been referred to as the “electric vehicle mandate,” which nullifies an executive order issued by Biden in 2021 that sought to ensure that half of all new vehicles sold in the U.S. were all-electric by 2030.
“I am deeply honored by the trust placed in me by President Trump to lead this important Department and for the Senate in swiftly confirming my nomination,” Duffy said. “We are already hard at work executing the President’s vision to usher in a golden age of transportation by taking immediate action to remove government overreach and lower costs for hardworking Americans. The memorandum signed today specifically reduces the burdensome and overly restrictive fuel standards that have needlessly driven up the cost of a car in order to push a radical Green New Deal agenda. The American people should not be forced to sacrifice choice and affordability when purchasing a new car.”
Ford-backed lobby group Alliance for Automotive Innovation (AAI) has long supported Trump’s mission to revise or eliminate some of these Biden-era policies, but it has also asked the President to retain the clean energy tax credit – something that Trump has is considering eliminating as well. As for Ford CEO Jim Farley, he has stated that he isn’t too worried about the impacts any of these policy changes might have on the business, though some will directly affect the company and its rivals.
and backwards we go…sad
Cry harder
Great news to me. EVs were not yet ready for prime time, by a long shot. Biden caved to his California buddies.
More like back to common sense. You can still buy an EV but my tax dollars shouldn’t be used for your transportation. Can’t afford it? Skill issue.
Average EV sale price is 55k, average gas price is 50K. its not liek EV’s are much pricy.
In fact the average EV price from 2020-2025 mostly stayed in the 54-56k range. Meanwhile the price of a ICE vehcle has increased every year moving from 38K to 50k.
At current pace in about 2-3 years it will be cheaper to get an EV.
Who wants this American made junk any way . Gas guzzlers low quality…
And leave China and Korea an opportunity to gain the EV market.
And the screams coming from both Ford and GM HQ can be heard round the world. There goes all that EV money, right down the drains. They should have thought it through a bit more, and asked potential buyers, both of them.
As the Mach-E is outselling the Mustang Coupe, and the Ecoboost outsells the GT in the US I’d say that the v8 Mustang is the least wanted vehicle that Ford makes.
Also as almost 7% of new cars sold are EV’s and that number is up every year i’d say that potential buyers do want EV’s. In fact a buyer is 3x more likely to by an EV than a manual anything.
The government should not be setting fuel mileage standards at all. The market will take care of itself.
It literally never has ever in history. If it really did then there would never be any reason to break up Microsoft, Bell telephone or Google as they would just eliminate their competition meking it impossible for a viable competitor to come about.
…yet people like to some reason think it will.
Nobody wants the electric garbage……unless ya wanna start a fire shower!!!
Care sales in the US say EV’s are 6.8% and growing. Meanwhile only 1.7% of car sales are manuals.
I’d say that the market shows that manual cars are more garbage than EV’s as EV’s sell 300% better than manuals.
Funny, the Chinese can make it work.
Another federal tax removed by President Trump…. Don’t you just love this guy !
Ordinary working Americans in the midst of massive inflation are bearing the burdens of that half of America than can afford to buy expensive and impractical vehicles. Ford’s losses have been five billions dollars and I don’t that figure represents where we are. I grew up in Detroit in the sixties and seventies and returned in 2000 and the debacles, the bankruptcies, the permanent layoffs, shoddy manufacturing were still prominent. The City itself went into something very like municipal bankruptcy (it’s called restructuring debt, NYC had to do so in the 1970s,) The Future needs to be more thoughtful and pragmatic. I’m surprised that Jim Farley has not joined Tavares in multimillion dollar retirement.
Glad they stopped the EPA never ending slow motion rules to phase out gasoline engines…all these past rules have made vehicles cost more..and unrelaible….and you never really gain the dollar saved with extra fuel miliage anyway..because auto manufacters get up front cost in creases hope they roll back diesels to pre dep fluid days..
EPA had nothing to do with GM not being able to make a reliable 8spd auto or its 6.2L failures. Or the Ecoboost falures. Most of Fords Ecoboosts date from 2012-2015. Only the more recent one really suck because Ford started to cut costs on them.
The Automakers trying to cost cut everything ot make more profit is causing that. Ford hasnt been albe to paint an aluminum hood with any lasting quality since they moved to Aluminum 10yrs ago, they still buble. And before that Ford had issue painting the Fiberglass hoods.
Its almost like American cars have always been bad, and youre just using the EPA as an excuse.
P.S. As a boy Mr. Ford (Henry Ford II) put food and a roof over our head. Both Mr. Ford and the UAW president Walther Reuther were far more humane in some ways. Every year they sponsored a Christmas Party at the Michigan State fair grounds. After the entertainment we flooded out and picked out a toy at the concession stands. You can say “ok boomer” if you like…
Need to do away with pre deft in trucks and tractors now
Sadly America Auto companies are putting out cars nobody wants and building them in other countries. America autos are so far behind in tech . Millennials and Gen Z don’t even want them.. baby boomers and GenX are old and not even buying cars! On foot in grave lol 😂
Wow – so looking back at Farley and his “leadership” We were given the “Lightning” really ? Personally if you want wide EV adoption maybe make vehicles less than 100K and can go more than 150 miles on a charge. Im just a layman but maybe try making a Maverick EV or a PHEV Ranger ? Market driven adoption of EVs rather than Government give a ways seems to be more intelligent to me. Hybrids that get 40 MPG seem to be a great transition as well – what do I know.
You all are missing the point with your political drivel. It’s cost of goods and labor that set product pricing. It always has been and always will be. Anything that makes those aspects increase, will be passed along to the customer. Simple, got it!
That kind of pricing went away 20 years ago. Now it’s price it up until supply exceeds demand and inventory piles up.
Hi Mark – COGS: organic or forced(inorganic)? Politics aside, mandates were forced for all, forcing non-natural purchasing patterns and therefore, demand. The upstream domino effect ripples through accordingly. Without the mandates, what would COGS be then? Lower/organic. This does not just apply to EVs, either. People still demand ICE-powered vehicles and diesels just don’t die. Remove the EPA’s/CARB/California inorganic forced moves on diesels and those costs go down – when in fact, it has been proven time and again how much more efficient diesels are WITHOUT all the EPA controls on them (plus the rare-earth materials/expensive metals drive costs upward). This demand of ICE vehicles despite the EV mandates also drove up ICE vehicle prices to ridiculous, non-organic/forced prices for everyone due to supply-chain constraints still unresolved from 2020’s COVID crap and vehicles delivered without such previously offered options at yet higher prices (think certain legacy electronics that controlled these options were not available/short supply, so they were left out, ie, “deleted” or reserved for only the highest priced vehicles: heads-up displays, for example – Crucial safety item, but deleted from even certain luxury car options packages and reserved for only certain “labels” a the highest options level). IF the legacy (old-tech electronics used by auto manufacturers for model generations to keep development costs down) items were more available, it is usually the pattern that the luxury vehicles get the highest tech levels first to prove the tech. Once proven, it usually rolls down to lower priced models. Then, everyone gets a proven, more economically produced new safety option that really does keep your eyes on the road rather than glancing elsewhere. Not happening now, is it?
We will see EV prices drop – wait, it’s already happening, creating massive sunk cost losses ( HERTZ) – battery plants planned now not being completed – also already happening.
Inventories clogging dealer lots, preventinng ICE vehicles that couuld be sold from havinig space for buyers to test drive and buy.
Massive losses here.
It’s more than just COGS…..
This always happens whenever government imposes inorganic forces on any market. It’s a real mess. “Bidenomics” aftermath….
If you guys want all the pain and sufferings of the outgoing Presidents executive orders back just move to California. I’m sure the snake oil salesman Gavin Newsom will take your money.
My 1st Mustang was a 1971 302 V8, 210 HP. About 16 mpg if real careful on the highway. Now I have a 2021 Mustang Mach 1, 5.0 L, same size as 302, but in metric, 480 HP, 6 speed manual, that gets over 26 mpg on the highway, and that was a trip from Minnesota to Wyoming to Utah and back with speed limits of 80 mph on some state roads. Both used regular gas.
Yes we did go a little faster. Think about that, more than double the HP and better mileage.
Keep up the great work FORD!
Then we won’t need EV’s.
307cubic inch* not 302ci. No clue whatou are talking about metric.
Also you go just as quick as a model Y family SUV…. An electic family car can pace your purpose built in the 1/4 miles.
r ” Common Sense ” has come back to America ! We loved buying those Genesis, Lexus, Toyota Camras, Mercedes , Volkswagen top Models ! The Ford Co. is supposed to make MONEY ! When did they decide to LOSE Money ? Please, get rid of that EV Head of Ford ( Farley ) . That man is a Joke !
Yeah, who wants to burn less fuel and save money anyway? Better start saving your money folks!