I had my 2019 F150 towed to the local Ford dealership with a dead battery, Truck is not 2 years old yet and has 22000 miles on it. (leftover) The dealer told me I had to pay a $50 diagnostic fee for them to look at my truck as Ford requires a diagnostic test on a machine before replacement. I asked if the battery was bad under warranty would Ford pay the diagnostic or would the dealer wave the fee? I was told no on both accounts. Then told if I didn’t pay the diagnostic up front they would not even look at my truck. I told them I need my truck so what choice did I have. I came home and called Ford and they told me that Dealers are franchise’s they could not control that. It ate on me and I called Ford back the next day and got a different person. He told me that under the bumper to bumper warranty the battery would be replaced eother under the bumper to bumper or the battery warranty which is 2 years and they where using the2 years battery warranty which is why I had to pay the $50. I said huh? So I got madder and called a third time where the woman told me that Ford does not pay any diagnostic fees at all even under warranty. I said ” your require a diagnostic to prove the battery is bad under warranty but you wont pay for the diagnostic? She said no. I said then what the hell good is the bumper to bumper warranty? SO I had to pay $50 for a new battery that was under Fords bumper to bumper warranty!